Dactors that maximize ROI you can begin evaluating SSP partners Before proceeding with outreach you should clearly know your long term goals and what you intend to achieve from your partners SSP Consolidation At this point you have the knowledge and insights needed to develop an effective SPO strategy Most DSPs offer buyers the ability to turn SSPs on and off However it is important to avoid making drastic changes and conduct extensive testing.
To ensure there are no unwanted impacts Phone Number List optimization Evaluation and refinement are necessary to determine whether the initially chosen ideal path is still relevant and optimal It is critical to track your progress as you reach your campaign performance metrics From the publishers point of view While most of the advice and guidance is primarily for the buyer it is important for the publisher to also understand how to benefit from implementing SPO Evaluate existing relationships To begin with you should evaluate your existing relationships with DSPs and SSPs to understand.
Their performance in terms of revenue fill rate and transparency Aim to work with SSPs that provide the highest value Analyze RFPs You need to determine which DSPs carry the most traffic and which ones offer the most competitive offers You should also check for patterns in your bid requests such as duplicate auctions or invalid traffic Rate negotiation At this point it s time to negotiate rates with your SSPs to ensure you get the best rates possible Of.